Friday 26 February 2010

Public Transport

To reach Stockbridge from Winchester on public transport for a 12:30 meeting, a distance of 9 miles, I need to leave two hours beforehand and then kill an hour and a quarter. Honestly, you'd think some of these so called do-gooders would be campaigning for better public transport.

Thursday 25 February 2010

George Monbiot

I keep wondering what the reaction would be if George Monbiot wrote for one of the tabloids. His latest article on tax avoidance should be compulsary reading for anyone who falls for The Mail's headlines about benefit cheats.

Monday 22 February 2010

Power 2010

Power2010 is a 'unique campaign to give everyone the chance to have a say in how our democracy works for us'. People vote for the top electoral reforms that they believe will fix UK politics. Proportional Representation is currently in the lead (and quite right too). The campaign started in September 2009, and the vote closes in forty seven minutes. Don't say I never told you.

Bully Brown?

Yet again Guido comes up trumps with quotes:

Mandy’s Porky

Mandy just told a press conference that “we’ve seen no evidence of bullying in Number 10.” He is on the attack and spinning away. Perhaps though he should have reconsidered his choice of words given the fact Tom Watson told the House in March 2009:

“I can confirm that in the period specified (2007-2009), there were fewer than five cases in the Department where staff were disciplined for bullying and harassment of colleagues. It would not be appropriate to provide a further breakdown.”

So there have been confirmed cases, while Gordon was PM, that were investigated. Sounds like evidence of bullying no?

What's more, I'd say that Watson's response to the original question suggests he was struggling to give a precise answer.

Sunday 21 February 2010

Monday 8 February 2010